The Yoga Room is an extension of the Fitness Center. It is located on the second floor of the Marina Lakes Clubhouse. The space is designed to be a multi-purpose room that lends itself to various activities, or as a place to stretch after a good workout. The room is set with mats to use for stretching and abdominal work, as well as equipment such as stability balls, Bosu balls, body bars, kettle bells and dumbbells. The Yoga Room hosts several weekly fitness classes such as yoga, pilates and boot camp. Please refer to the schedule to see what classes are currently being held. These classes are taught by licensed and insured instructors, which means that there is a fee to participate. Residents are welcome to share the space during a group class, we just ask that you please do not disturb the instructor or class. A copy of the Rules and Regulations for Use of Recreational Facilities, as well as, an application to teach a group class can be found in the Documents section of the website. If you have any concerns about the use of the Yoga Room, please contact the property manager. |